Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Shirt Parade Day 14

I've been doing this for about three weeks now and this is the first new T shirt that I've acquired in that time.

Straight from either the Detroit gig on Saturday or the Chicago gig on Sunday, this was placed in my grubby paws when I got home from uni at stupid o'clock last night.

This shirt is perfect for me on so many levels. Firstly, my hero has always been Joe Strummer, and there are plenty more t shirts in his memory on their way. Secondly, there are very few bands I respect and love more than the Street Dogs. Live, they have very few rivals as far as I'm concerned. One of the most solid touring bands out there. Head and shoulders above most of the dross. Thirdly, this is one of my favourite songs.

I like to think that in my own little way I'm still keeping the General's Boombox playing. Loud and shouty. Just as Joe would have wanted.

PS Happy Birthday Tobe!

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Sunday, 23 September 2012

Shirt Parade Day 13

I straight up LOVE The Skints, seriously I am in awe of these very talented East London neighbors of mine.

I've seen them live six or seven times and its never been a bad show. Its been great to see them get bigger and bigger as the years have gone on.

We went to see them a few Christmases ago at The Gaff (RIP) and this T shirt is from then. Sponsored by Jagermeister.

That was the gig I started feeling really old.

I interviewed the band when their recent album came out for Louder Than War. If you like your ska reggae punk with a bit of an E3 vibe going on I highly recommend them. Mates with Jaya the Cat and the rest of the Bomber Music Family.

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Friday, 21 September 2012

Shirt Parade Day 12

Seeing as today's t shirt is from Boston/Amsterdam ska reggae legends Jaya the Cat, the photo features our Sheena the Cat, the punk rock kitty.
This T shirt was from Rebellion 2011. The band's set blew me away and I had a thoroughly good dance. I wanted to buy a record but they didn't have any so I got a T shirt instead.
This year I interviewed the band for the Rebellion programme and they gave me some brilliant answers. The new album is great and I highly recommend it.
Here's the bonus picture I couldn't use because she was squirming...

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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Shirt Parade Day 11

This is the second time I've worn this shirt and I forgot to take a photo this time. I almost forgot this time as well, which is why I've got my pyjamas on.

Until Rebellion this year I shamefully didn't own a single Argy Bargy shirt. I have no excuse for this shocking anomaly, so this is really an apology. This summer I made up for it by getting two! This is the first one...

If you don't own this album then you need to buy it now. No kidding.

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Friday, 14 September 2012

Shirt Parade Day 10

Back to Basics, Guitar picks, Drum Sticks... This T shirt is one of only a few hundred made. Hand made by my little sister I might add. We then used the stencil on an old blue jacket I'd got from matalan for 3 quid and voila! my first Sparrer jacket was born :)
I think this is from Rebellion 2007 but I could be wrong.

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Sunday, 9 September 2012

Shirt Parade Day 9

Calling all rude boys and rude girls around the world... Please ignore the obvious fact that I've just woken up!

This is from the Specials' 30th anniversary tour in 2009, the Hammersmith Palais gig to be exact. My friend Dom had some spare tickets last minute and luckily thought of me.

They were on fire that night, albeit missing the legendary Jerry Dammers. I like the fact that the checkerboard down the back looks like braces!

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Friday, 7 September 2012

Shirt Parade Day 8

This is an unusual shirt for a number of reasons. It doesn't have a SParrer logo on it anywhere, it's not black, I'm the only person I know who owns one...
The image is taken from the single release of England Belongs To Me. Somewhere in my parent's loft there is a copy with H.McFaull pencilled along the side.
I got this at Punk and Disorderly 2009 in Berlin. I wore it to the Pirates Press 5th birthday party in San Francisco and for the SParrer/Street Dogs club show at Punk Rock Bowling 2010. When I got it out of the chest it had a Bruce Roehrs sticker on the arm (bits of it anyway, it'd been washed!).
I love it!
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New headshot pic!

I've been putting off taking a new headshot for some external blogging I've been doing until I'd sorted my hair out and the face gnat bites disappeared.

This is the favourite one from this afternoon's very impromptu shoot. Thanks Cristina for your awesome photographic skills!

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Saturday, 1 September 2012

Shirt Parade Day 7

Droogs don't run, we've got to stick together this town belongs to us.

A favourite book and film, I bought this from Camden market aged 14. Remember clearly paying a fiver for it. Those were the days.

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